1. Be a current part time or seasonal Y staff 25 years old or younger
2. Have an interest in pursuing a career in YMCA Camping.
3. Obtain a letter of recommendation from a current YMCA Day or Resident camp professional.
4. Complete the Scholarship Application.
Participants must be able to attend the entire length of the conference. The cost for the 2022 program is $200. If your application is accepted, full payment is due by December 22nd, 2021. Please submit all required paperwork at the same time.
The Future Leaders Scholarship Program is designed to assist camps in investing in the future leaders. Every camp has students that work at camp each summer who seeks opportunities for leadership and who have a desire to understand the ins and outs of how camp works. They are an essential part of the team and have potential for a career in camping.
Being accepted to receive a scholarship through this program will allow camps to provide their young leaders with career development, networking opportunities and support through exposure to industry experts.
During the conference Future Leader participants will be able to attend all conference events, be paired with a mentor, meet with executive leadership during a lunch period, assist the committee with leadership opportunities, and be recognized to the conferees.
Once accepted the committee will send further communication on details and how to prepare and participate effectively for Campfire 2022!
When you are ready to apply please fill out the application here
Please have the recommendation letter in hand prior to applying so you can submit everything together in the google form.
For questions, email Jenna Johnson at